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Pool Cleaners; Pool cleaning products and accessories guide
Automatic cordless pool cleaning robots and types

Pool cleaners are an essential tool for pool maintenance that owners use to keep their pools clean and hygienic. They help to remove debris, dirt, and other contaminants from the pool water, ensuring that it remains crystal clear and safe to swim in. With the various types of pool cleaners available in the market, it can be challenging to know which one is the best fit for your pool.

Automatic swimming pool cleaners or are one of the most popular types of pool cleaners available. They are designed to clean your pool automatically, without the need for manual intervention. These cleaners come in three different types, including suction-side, pressure-side, and robotic pool cleaners. Suction-side pool cleaners are the most affordable option and are ideal for small to medium-sized pools. Pressure-side pool cleaners are more expensive but offer better cleaning performance. Robotic pool cleaners are the most expensive but are the most efficient and effective option for cleaning large or heavily contaminated pools. Robotic pool cleaner see range.

Choosing the right pool cleaner for your pool can be a daunting task, but with the right information, it can be a breeze. In this article, we will provide you with all the essential information you need to know about pool cleaners. We will discuss the different types of pool cleaners available, their features, and benefits, and how to choose the right one for your pool. Whether you are a new pool owner or looking to upgrade your existing swimming pool cleaner, we’ve got you covered.

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Understanding Pool Cleaners

When it comes to keeping your pool clean, there are a few different options available. One of the most popular choices is a pool cleaner, which can help to remove debris and keep your pool looking great. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at pool cleaners and what you need to know about them.

Types of Pool Cleaners

There are three main types of pool cleaners: robotic, suction-side, and pressure-side. Each of these options has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the one that’s right for your needs.

Robotic Pool Cleaner

Robotic pool cleaners are a popular choice for many pool owners. These cleaners are fully automated and use sensors to navigate around your pool. They are powered by electricity and can be programmed to clean your pool on a regular schedule. While they tend to be more expensive than other options, they are also very efficient and effective.

Suction-Side Pool Cleaners

Suction-side pool cleaners are another option to consider. These cleaners are powered by your pool’s pump and use suction to remove debris from your pool. They are generally more affordable than robotic cleaners, but they can be less effective and may require more maintenance.

Pressure-Side Pool Cleaners

Pressure-side pool cleaners are the final option to consider. These cleaners use the pressure from your pool’s pump to move around your pool and remove debris. They are generally more effective than suction-side cleaners, but they can also be more expensive and may require more maintenance.

Types of Pool Cleaners

When it comes to pool cleaners, there are three main types to choose from: manual pool cleaners, automatic pool cleaners, and robotic pool cleaners. Each of these types has its own benefits and drawbacks, depending on your needs and budget.

Manual Pool Cleaners

Manual pool cleaners are the most basic type of pool cleaners. They require you to do the work yourself, using a brush or net to manually remove debris from your pool. While this may be a time-consuming process, manual pool cleaners are typically the most affordable option.

There are a few different types of manual pool cleaners to choose from, including:

  • Pool brushes: These are used to scrub the walls and floor of your pool to remove dirt and algae.

  • Leaf rakes: These are used to remove leaves and other large debris from the surface of your pool.

  • Skimmers: These are used to remove smaller debris, such as bugs and dirt, from the surface of your pool.

Automatic Pool Cleaners

Automatic pool cleaners are a step up from manual pool cleaners. They use a motorized system to move around your pool and remove debris. There are three main types of automatic pool cleaners:

  • Suction-side cleaners: These cleaners use the suction from your pool’s filtration system to move around and collect debris.

  • Pressure-side cleaners: These cleaners use the pressure from your pool’s water circulation system to move around and collect debris.

  • Robotic cleaners: These cleaners are self-contained units that use a motor to move around and collect debris. They do not require any connection to your pool’s filtration system.

Robotic Pool Cleaners

Robotic pool cleaners are the most advanced type of pool cleaner. They are completely self-contained and do not require any connection to your pool’s filtration system. They use a motor to move around your pool and collect debris, and they typically have advanced features such as programmable cleaning cycles and remote control operation.

While robotic pool cleaners are typically the most expensive option, they are also the most efficient and effective at cleaning your pool. They can save you time and effort in the long run, making them a worthwhile investment for many pool owners.

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Key Features to Consider

When it comes to choosing a pool cleaner, there are several key features to consider. We’ve outlined the most important ones below to help you make an informed decision.

Cleaning Efficiency

The cleaning efficiency of a pool cleaner is perhaps the most important feature to consider. After all, you want a cleaner that will effectively remove debris and keep your pool sparkling clean. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the cleaning efficiency of a pool cleaner:

  • Cleaning Pattern: Look for a cleaner that has a smart cleaning pattern, which will ensure that it covers every inch of your pool. Some cleaners have random patterns, which can result in missed spots.

  • Suction Power: The suction power of a cleaner determines how well it can pick up debris. Look for a cleaner with strong suction power to ensure it can handle leaves, dirt, and other debris.

  • Filtration System: A good filtration system is essential for keeping your pool clean. Look for a cleaner with a multi-layer filtration system to ensure that it can capture even the smallest particles.

Ease of Use

Another important feature to consider is the ease of use of the pool cleaner. After all, you don’t want to spend hours setting up and maintaining your cleaner. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the ease of use of a pool cleaner:

  • Installation: Look for a cleaner that is easy to install and doesn’t require any special tools or equipment.

  • Mobility: A good pool cleaner should be able to navigate your pool easily, without getting stuck or tangled. Look for a cleaner with enhanced navigation features to ensure it can move around your pool with ease.

  • Maintenance: Finally, consider the maintenance requirements of the cleaner. Look for a cleaner with a simple design that is easy to clean and maintain. Some cleaners even come with a carry caddy to make it easy to transport and store.


Popular Brands and Models

When it comes to pool cleaners, there are a lot of brands and models to choose from. Here are some of the most popular ones on the market:


Zodiac is a well-known brand in the pool cleaning industry, and for good reason. They offer a range of high-quality pool cleaners that are designed to make cleaning your pool a breeze. One of their most popular models is the Zodiac MX6 Automatic Pool Cleaner, which is great for tiled pools. It features intelligent technology that allows it to navigate around your pool tiles with ease.


Dolphin is another popular brand that offers a range of robotic pool cleaners. One of their most popular models is the Dolphin Nautilus CC Plus Robotic Pool Vacuum Cleaner, which is great for inground pools. It features powerful suction and scrubbing brushes that can clean your pool in just a few hours.

Kreepy Krauly

Kreepy Krauly is a well-respected brand that has been around for decades. They offer a range of pool cleaners, including the Kreepy Krauly VTX-3, which is a popular choice for many pool owners. It features a well-designed suction system that can clean your pool quickly and efficiently.


Polaris is a brand that is known for their pressure-side pool cleaners. One of their most popular models is the Polaris Vac-Sweep 280 Pressure-Side Inground Pool Cleaner. It features a powerful jet sweep that can clean your pool in just a few hours, and it’s easy to set up and use.


Hayward is a brand that offers a range of pool cleaners, including robotic and suction-side models. One of their most popular models is the Hayward TigerShark Robotic Pool Cleaner, which is great for larger pools. It features a powerful motor and advanced algorithms that allow it to clean your pool quickly and efficiently.

These are just a few of the most popular brands and models of pool cleaners on the market. When choosing a pool cleaner, it’s important to consider your specific needs and the type of pool you have. With so many great options available, you’re sure to find a pool cleaner that works for you.

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